Back pain and headaches
Back pain and headaches are two of the most common reasons why people seek our advice and care at Pivotal Osteopathy.
Did you know that 60% of Australians are in pain right now? And 25% of people wait until pain becomes chronic before seeking professional advice.1
Back pain can come on at any age and for a variety of reasons including, not enough activity, too much or repetitive activity, a new trauma or a pre-existing injury. It can present as pain centrally in your spine (whether it be neck, mid back, lower back), or spread out to other areas, there may be numbness or tingling into the limbs, the pain may be constant or intermittent, and range from mild to severe. The severity of pain is often not indicative of the diagnosis or how long it will take to improve.
The same variety of presentations also applies to headaches. The International Classification of Headache Disorders defines more than 150 different types of headaches. Many of these types can be addressed quickly and managed well, whereas others can be an indication of something more sinister and require further investigation.
The first issue that needs to be addressed by your Osteopath is whether the cause of your back pain or headache is related to one of the many structures of your musculoskeletal system. Some of the structures that may be causing or contributing to your pain include muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, joints, fascia, bursae and discs.
Then we need to work out why one or a combination of these structures is causing your pain. Is it because of local trauma to the area? Are certain structures not strong enough to perform the tasks you need them to? Have you developed compensatory patterns from a previous injury? Are you doing too much? Could there be another cause that needs imaging or further investigation?
Back pain and headaches are complex and varied. Osteopaths have the training and knowledge to perform appropriate examinations (including neurological screening), form a diagnosis, and refer on for imaging or further management if required. Once we have worked out the ‘why’, we create a plan to help that is tailored to your needs. This will usually include hands-on Osteopathic treatment to help reduce muscle tension and improve range of motion to the region, as well as ergonomic advice and lifestyle changes. Generally, we aim to keep you active as too much rest is not helpful either. To get you back on the road to recovery, we can show you more comfortable ways to move and avoid aggravating your condition.
Reference: 1. Osteopathy Australia, Pain Healthcare Report, 2020.
Call and speak to us today about how we may be able to help you, or book online now.